pat edelen's portfolio site

patrickedelen (at) |


welcome visitor!

so why make personal projects anyways? when i started coding at 14 i loved messing around with html and wordpress just to see what was possible. now that i am getting paid to develop software, i've realized personal projects keep me passionate about this profession when work is boring / frustrating / repetitive.

so here they are! click any of the links below for a lil writeup on why i created these projects and more details on how to check them out.


what are you wearing today? - manage your wardrobe


freebg - lambda docker container to remove image backgrounds


picshare - web demo on how to actually handle form photo uploads


pycussion - make visuals for my live music performances


catscii - curling ascii art of my cat to make programming fun again


home court advantage - my brother asked me a basketball question so I scraped all the stats


glimpses - random youtube videos are actually kind of profound?



i don't perfect my personal projects. most of the code i write actually makes money.

as a treat for scrolling down this far you can download my resume here.